Nose services include consultation, diagnosis, general treatment, emergency care, and trauma management for the nose.
Here are some common nasal conditions/issues experienced by patients.

It is estimated that about 80 percent of adults have a deviated or crooked septum, known as septal deviation. This condition may or may not present symptoms. However, it can obstruct the airway, and severe or abnormal cases may lead to other health issues.

Dysgeusia is a condition where a person's perception of taste is altered, causing everything to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or metallic.

Fungal sinusitis is a broad term used to describe various situations where fungi may be involved in causing or contributing to the symptoms of nasal and sinus inflammation.

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Geriatric rhinitis is a common condition but is often overlooked or dismissed as insignificant.

Hyposmia is when a patient experiences a reduced sense of smell or a diminished ability to detect odors through the nose. Anosmia is the complete inability to smell anything.

Nosebleed (called epistaxis) occurs when small blood vessels inside the nose rupture.

Mucus is usually swallowed unconsciously, but when there is a noticeable accumulation of mucus in the throat or dripping from the back of the nose, it is called post-nasal drip.

Rhinitis is a condition that can occur when the nasal passages are blocked or congested, or when the nose is constantly runny, itchy, and/or sneezing.

Some headaches can be caused by issues with the sinuses and nasal passages.

Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis, is a condition where symptoms involve both the nose and sinuses. This condition affects about one in eight adults each year.

Turbinate hypertrophy refers to the excessive growth or enlargement of the turbinates, which are bony structures located inside the nose.