Ear services include consultation, diagnosis, general treatment, emergency care, and trauma management for the ear.
Here are some common ear conditions/issues experienced by patients.

Otitis Media is an inflammation of the middle ear. Common early symptoms include a sore throat, a runny nose, and fever. Otitis media is most frequently experienced by children because the Eustachian tube, which connects the nose and ear, is still very short and horizontal in young children.
Otitis media can be caused by fluid accumulation blocking the Eustachian tube. This condition may resolve on its own without any medication or specific treatment. However, severe otitis media should be treated with antibiotics.

Otitis externa is an infection that occurs in the outer ear. This ear condition is also commonly referred to as 'swimmer's ear.' Otitis externa typically happens when water collects or becomes trapped in the ear canal, making it moist and a medium for fungal and bacterial growth.
Otitis externa can cause severe itching in the ear and may lead to serious fungal and bacterial infections inside the ear.

Otitis interna is a disease of the inner ear and often affects hearing. Patients with otitis interna frequently experience difficulty in controlling their body balance and may also have other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and severe pain.
Otitis interna occurs as a complication of untreated otitis media. This allows the bacterial infection to spread to the inner ear.

Patients with tinnitus experience hearing disturbances, such as frequent or constant ringing or buzzing sounds. This can be caused by damage to the auditory nerve endings in the inner ear. It can also occur in individuals exposed to loud or prolonged noise.
Tinnitus is also a common condition that often affects older adults.

Glue ear occurs as a result of recurrent otitis media. Infection in the middle ear causes fluid to spread to other parts of the ear and thicken. This can reduce hearing quality and make the patient feel as if there is pressure inside the ear.
In children, glue ears can affect speech and behaviour.

Earwax is a substance naturally produced by the body to protect the ear. It helps to prevent dust and small particles from entering the ear. However, excessive accumulation of earwax can affect hearing.
Many patients also experience earwax problems due to the misuse of cotton swabs, which can push the earwax further in and compact it within the ear.

Cholesteatoma is a condition in the ear caused by the growth of skin tissue in the middle ear, near the eardrum. It disrupts the surrounding tissue and can lead to hearing loss.
Patients often experience a sensation of fullness in the ear, discharge from the ear, and a foul odor. Cholesteatoma can also cause facial muscle weakness.

Labyrinthitis is an inflammation that occurs in the inner ear. This inflammation can be caused by bacteria or viruses. The condition often arises alongside colds, as the infection spreads to the inner ear. It can cause symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and severe cases of labyrinthitis can also affect vision.

Otosclerosis is a condition that occurs when the bones of the hearing mechanism do not function properly. This causes sound waves to be inadequately processed, leading to reduced hearing ability. The condition is often seen in individuals with weakened immune systems.